Sound Healing - Therapeutic Music

"You are a being of Light, Love and Joy."

Rahel is a compassionate, sensitive and insightful musician who has been trained to play therapeutic music for healing and transition at bedside, in medical,clinical and hospice environments, and at memorials and funerals. She provides individually-tailored and appropriate repertoire that is holistic in intention and supports patient care and can also assist the patient's family, friends and health care team. Rahel's "TIKKUN" engages the listener in Torah-based healing using the Psalms, specifically the ten healing psalms revealed by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (1772-1810) known as the "Tikkun HaKlali - the General Remedy", sung in their original Hebrew to create an environment in which one can meditate, reflect and engage in a personal connection with G*D. The study of Torah is said to profoundly effect our well-being; refu'at ha'nefesh (the healing of the soul) and refu'at ha'guf (healing of the body). The Torah, and commentaries of the sages, include numerous mentions of illness, healing, and yes, medical practice. For example, music was often used to provide invaluable help to those in need in ancient times and it still proves effective today.
