If I weren't gigging I would never go anywhere. Thank goodness I'm a touring musician! I was honored to be invited by the Arts Alliance of Northern NH to share my love of my country, Israel at a wonderful camp at the Northern Forest Heritage Park in Berlin (pronounced BER-lin) in New Hampshire. Learn more about the park here. The park honors the logging industry of the area.
I expected to present more of a musical performance. Instead I talked a lot about what it's like to live in Israel. I showed lots of personal photos, some video clips of Israeli children's shows such as Rehov Sumsum, and brought in many beautiful Jewish ritual items for the kids to see, touch and wear. The kids, aged from 4-10 yrs., and the staff were all very enthusiastic. By the end of the almost 2-hour presentation they all were ready to hop on a plane and go to Israel! Hurray! The kids were particularly interested in the Dead Sea (Yam HaMelach or Salt Sea), probably because of a fascination kids in general seem to have with all things dead (ha ha ha). They also liked the indoor playgrounds of Sderot, something that most kids are fortunate NOT to have in most countries! A staff member was surprised to learn there actually is snow in Israel, at Mount Hermon, and that he could go skiing in Israel! Each child got a JNF blue box and plant-a-tree-in-Israel envelope at the end of the presentation.
It thrills me to no end when I am able to show people the real Israel instead of the mythical worn-torn monstrous occupying state that is portrayed worldwide. As for me, I got to sit in the huge chair, enjoy the beautiful thank-you cards I received from the children (photos below!), and a chance to get to see and learn a little about the Northern part of New Hampshire, and all about logging! It was a pleasure for all of us all around! Enjoy the photos of the kids and the campsite.
