Listen Like Learn

You are invited to visit another NEW WEBSITE: Listen Like Learn. I am a certified instructor and teacher trainer in the Cass-Beggs music programs for babies and young children. There are many programs that profess to teach music from as early as babies, but none of them compare to Barbara's tried and true methods. Barbara studied with the music education pioneers including Dalcroze, Kodaly, and Orff and successfully integrated their practices into hers. Barbara's contribution to teaching music to young children was that she was able to develop a method to reach as young as babies - including newborns! I was blessed to have had Barbara as a mentor. I worked with her personally for three years to learn her method, establish a branch of the association in Israel, and then later I became certified to train others in her method. Please go to the TWO websites to learn more about the importance of including music in your children's lives! LISTEN LIKE LEARN and YOUR CHILD NEEDS MUSIC.
