I'm trying to improve my music making. I've devoted this summer to playing mostly my original music sprinkling it with covers (rather then the recommended other way around!). Last week I was wondering if my songs (and performance of them) would reach people deeply - possibly even bring about a few tears. Yesterday it happened. I was busking outside my favorite venue, the Toadstool Bookshop in Peterborough. A few people actually hung around and listened (for a change), Then a few sat down at the outside tables and stayed for a long time listening and even applauding. I was dumbfounded. After performing for nearly 20 years in NH a small crowd had FINALLY gathered to actually LISTEN to me singing. I asked if they had any requests. They all said to keep playing my songs because they were beautiful. So I did. There were a few very personal songs I then played - even *I* nearly choked up when playing one of them (because of the memories it brought up as I sang it). Then I played another. I looked over to the listeners (because I was only partly facing them and also towards the street) and they, too, were tearing up. I have to admit it made me actually happy though it is a bit uncomfortable to see people become emotional. Then one woman suggested I play something more upbeat. I agreed - no sense in continuing tearjerkers! Since she had two dogs with her I decided to play a known cover songs called, "How Much is that Doggie in the Window" hoping for a laugh. We all laughed. BUT when I made a very realistic "bark" one of the dogs jumped up, looked around for that dog that just barked and started barking up a storm! We all laughed. So I had to also calm down my realistic animal imitations. LOL Finally a few songs later one woman (an older woman who had been really enjoying my set) had to leave. She came to me with tears in her eyes, gave me a kiss on the cheek and thanked me profusely for the music. I, too, was deeply touched and thanked her for listening and for enjoying it so much. I will keep working on my own material now - finding ways to improve my presentation and singing them properly. I want to thank the people there in Peterborough yesterday for their support and encouragement. My music is available at: www.rahelmusic.com