You are a being of Light, Love and Joy. Chaverim, we have much to learn from each other. The Torah is complete, yet, so often I find myself unable to see what is right there before my eyes as plain as day.
The purpose of this group is to learn about and explore ancient healing sources and traditions found in the Torah and other JEWISH sources.
Think "yeshiva", "chevruta"...
Think "hitbon'nut", "hitbod'dut"...
Think "alef-bet"...
Think David and his harp, Solomon and the wisdom of the ages, the "Baal Shem Tov" and "Reb Nachman"...
Think "refuat ha'guf", "refuat ha'nefesh"...
Think "dveikut" and "SHLEIMUT"!
Together we will explore and discuss verses, passages available to us in the Torah, and writings from the sages; ancient and contemporary. We will learn about the wisdom and healing energy of the Hebrew letters and vowels, and about the healing psalms, the "Tikkun HaKlali", and more. We will site Torah sources and learn how the Torah has guided us with its healing energy throughout the ages. We will study and discuss its influence on us today; for spiritual inspiration and direction, meditation, contemplation, prayer; we will sing and apply music and music medicine enery; and gain guidance about physical comfort and healing.
We will strive to learn about maintaining healthy Torah-based habits to maintain wellness, well-being, inner and outer "shalom" and "shleimut" - wholeness and peace.
Please note that this is not a religious-based group. We will be studying Jewish texts and sources and the focus is on Torah-based JEWISH healing practices, however this group is meant to be open to all those with an interest in this subject matter from all perspectives and faiths.
This group meets in Southern New Hampshire (Nashua, Amherst and Milford).
All are invited to join! Please contact me if you are interested.