Bedford Farmer's Market

WOW! What fun I had this week. Besides all the great gifts I received from all the vendors at the end of the day, I got to sing together with a beautiful little girl who happened by. She stood and watched me as I sang my songs. Then I sang her a very special song about a Princess. I asked her after that what her favorite song was. She said, "The songs you're singing!". Thank you! Then she inched closer and closer to me until finally she was standing right next to me. I asked her if she wanted to sing. I could tell from the start that she was an artist. Yes, she wanted to sing. I gave her the mic and we began to sing, "Twinkle twinkly little star...". My heart fell in love. Thank you Lia for being you. I also met Suzanne Whittaker, a visual artist, who was sharing my tent. She was simply painting - doing her art. She hired me to play music at her opening reception this Thursday. Take a moment to view her website:

Yum! I love Farmer's Market gigs
